For this Sunday (May 3) the Governor has said we can have church services if we follow social distancing, sanitation, etc. We are planning two church services in order to have room for everyone to attend who wishes to do so. We have a maximum of 130 seats per service. Couples, families, can sit next to each other, but otherwise attendees are required to be at least 6 feet apart.
9 am Traditional church service (Music blend of hymns and praise songs)
11 am Contemporary church service (Music blend, including modern worship songs, like we have used the last few years)– this service will be streamed online.
Pastor Phil will preach the same sermon during both services.
People with underlying health issues are urged to stay home and watch the 11am streamed service.
People who may still be uncomfortable are urged to create watch (block) parties to watch the 11 am service online.
People are asked to not shake hands, or hug. Please be considerate of others.
Nursery and children’s church will only be available during the 11am service. At 9 am, children in attendance would just sit with their families.
No breakfast will be served until restaurants are allowed to open after May 16. The kitchen area will be closed until such time.
There will be boxes near each entry for your tithes and offerings.
Adult Sunday School classes will need to figure out what they want to do: keep online approaches, or meet at 10 am using social distancing. Children’s Sunday School will not reopen immediately. Please work with SS Superintendent Pam Davis on this.
There will be lots of sanitizing before and between services, and sanitary practices will be followed throughout.
We are very aware that not everyone will agree on the best way to proceed with services. We are asking that people be respectful of others who see this differently than you do. We will have people in attendance who think this is an overblown conspiracy, all the way to people who think a strict, enforced, stay at home order should go until June. We pray that everyone practices 1 Thessalonians 5:11: “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” Thank you!